samantha williams

Samantha Williams

In Early 2018, I burned out and left the corporate world as an Account Director in Marketing + Advertising to co-create We Are All Daughters. And in April 2019, the Woo Knew. Podcast launched, following the transformational journeys of myself and my business partner, Ellen Wong, as we explore the world of alternative + plant medicine healing. 

Through this experience, I discovered energy therapy and it opened my connection to the unseen world around us. It reconnected me to my body, which was suffering greatly from years of conditioned detachment and residual stress. Through my first-hand experiences with energy healing, I activated my Clair gifts and connected to my Guides, Ancestors, Spiritual Support Teams, the Angels, Masters, and galactic star families. I was called to start working with them and received my certification in channeling, as I was inspired by my own journey to be of service to others. I channel healing energy to read chakras and clear energetic blocks from the body, and offer distance healing sessions that include channeled healing frequencies, Reiki energy healing, chakra clearing and Oracle/Energy readings. 

As my connection to energy expanded, I was called to go deeper into my own healing and shadow work as part of my continued growth and evolution. Plant medicine has been an integral part of my journey since the beginning, and through the power of ritual and intention, I’m able to connect to the energy of these sacred teachers and learn from their wisdom. I’ve received deep healing and expansion in working with cannabis and psilocybin through both microdosing and macrodosing experiences, and now integrate these sacred medicines into my practice.

By channeling the power of healing energy, I’m able to support others on their own paths to healing and awakening. I currently practice from my home in the Coachella Valley desert and offer virtual healing sessions and readings.  And it’s the honor of my lifetime to walk alongside and witness the healing journeys of all seekers and healers alike.

Integrative Energy Therapist